Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Typecast: Move to Houston

Sorry I don't have a scanner out here yet but I plan to get one in the near future. 
Using my 10MP digital for now I guess


  1. All the best you in Houston!
    I'm a Portland Mainer, and relate well to your New England sense. Even New York State feels like another country! The pool I sit by is called Casco Bay.
    Perhaps, if your family is still in Mass, you could merge family visits with typewriter errands.
    Great blog, man! I'll keep reading.

  2. Thanks Man I enjoy reading your blog as well. I do still have family back home and will be going back in July. New England is so different but change is sometimes nice you know.

  3. So, was this typed on the Selectric? Man, those things were the *sweetest* in their day, and still make a good copy. I remember my mom typing up the church bulletin every week on one of those. Makes me want to get mine into some type of workable shape.
