Friday, January 9, 2009

Typer of the woods

The other day I have been wanting to take a nice walk in the woods across from my street.  Its the conservation area and I figured that with the weather warmer than it has been that yesterday would be a nice day to go for a walk.  I grabbed my back pack my travel typewriter (Skyriter) and some note pads and my fountain pen just in case.  I brought with me also a camp chair so that I could write comfortably.  I trekked the woods for a good while looking at all of the beautiful forest scenery and soaked up the peace and quiet.  I have in my house a bunch of younger brothers (4year old 11year old and a 18year old) and it can be pretty hectic for nice writing situations.  There was a little bit of snow still on the forest floor and made for a picture perfect hike.  

I finally after walking for about an hour back tracking a little found a nice place to set up and get some writing done.  It was really windy so the typewriter worked better than my notepad in this case.  I was planning on using my typewriter anyways but it just so happened...  Anyways I thought to myself after a little while that if someone somehow was walking the same path that I was off of and heard the clacking of a typewriter they would of thought I was insane for sure.  There was no one though that was out that day and I am now wanting to go back out later on and do some more poetry and writing.  I think it will be a great plan for even later on when it warms up a bit to go out and do some nice peaceful writing in the woods.  Call me crazy but in a tiny house with six people anyone would die to find a place like that to write.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking for the time

I have been getting everything all planed out mentally for this blog I just need a little bit of time real soon to begin.  I was trying to get all started today but I ended up falling asleep after work.  I need to get everything all scanned in and post up some of my thoughts.  I will be getting to all of this as soon as possible.  